Wednesday, May 19, 2010

why I talk to strangers...

I have a very clear memory of one particular night in college, when I was babysitting for a particular family with three sons, ages 9, 6, and 3 at the time. The parents and I were talking about traveling... Without thinking about the audience, I inserted honestly, that I really enjoyed having opportunities to have meaningful and real, as well as totally random, conversations with strangers when I travel. The middle son looked startled, and said to me,

"But mommy says that we're not supposed to talk to strangers?!"

Whoops. Case number 5713 in which I need to think before I speak.

For a 6 year old, it's a totally valid question. It's wise. Safe and healthy. Kids, obey your parents in that. And sometimes, it's even super healthy for grown-ups. Not all strangers are nice wonderful warm fuzzy people. And of course, caution is a good thing. Use your head, trust your instincts. But at the same time...

I think sometimes we use that as an excuse. And so we miss out on opportunities to receive from others. And we miss out on opportunities to encourage someone else or even just listen to them.

Not to say that we need to talk to every stranger who winds up next to us on a plane. That could be slightly creepy, not to mention overkill, and let's face it, there are some weirdos out there. Let's covertly side note the woman who poked me with the spork for an 8 hour flight. But at the same time, I think if we're honest, the reason that we don't talk to strangers, 95% of the time, has nothing to do with their creepy factor. If the truth is told, I think 95% of the time, we're just plain lazy. Talking to strangers, taking interest in their lives, takes effort. It takes enough time with our friends, let alone a random plane buddy that we're never going to see again.

But maybe just maybe, there's something you could offer that random stranger who is sitting next to you on the plane. In today's culture, you are hard-pressed to find someone who is willing to listen. That is a gift which we can easily give to any stranger, any day. Or perhaps, there's something that that random stranger has to offer you. Some of the wisest tidbits that I have ever gotten has come from random individuals who I happen to bump into, sit next to, or get stranded with.

My point? Strangers are people too... and it might be that there's something beautiful that you could gain or give by letting your lives collide (if they're also acquiescent). Might take a little bit of work, risk being awkward, and require some conversational/listening skills. But it also might be well worth it! Or we could just pop the ipod back in... choice of the day. :)

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