Monday, October 8, 2007

Chosen Stones

the silent stones of heartbeat and heartache
of buried dreams and burning passions
veiled behind the shadow of sensibility,
each stone a mountain transplanted
from gathering dust, death and dirt
to grow as a foundation, small
to fortress tall.
does it grow beneath your lowered lids
or does it fall?
does the mountain's majesty in
miniature form find freedom to
point heavenward, as it was designed?
or dust unto dust, to death
does it return?
a mountainous heap of rubble,
under the guise of dream.

image bearer, dreamer of dreams:
eloquence incarnate,
majesty in mere flesh,
reflected in us.
and so we breathe, create, design,
images. form. beautiful.
each stone properly placed
a path of hewn and hammered
stone, carefully captured,
leading you, me, we
into the heart of God.
walk with me, brother,
sister, friend,
let us go together into the heart of God.
*KG 19 September 2007

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