Monday, September 8, 2008

Gradual ripening

Sometimes, life is marked by gradual and ordinary changes...

These are fresh tomatoes, sitting on our windowsill, ripening day-by-day. When we initially placed them on the windowsill, they were entirely green, and rather unappetizing. Now, they are a pleasant shade of orangish-red. The transformation was not momentary, nor instantaneous, but it happened none-the-less. We didn't see the change happen, but over time, we saw the "fruit" of the change.

Sometimes life is like that... we pray and ask for change. We long to be transformed. But transformation doesn't happen over night. None-the-less, God is at work, gradually transforming us into more and more of his likeness. In some time (sometimes days, weeks, months, years even), we will look back and be able to see the results of that change, even if we couldn't actually see the change as it was happening.


fiercest said...

not that i don't take your point, of course, but...

green tomatoes are appetizing. you just batter them a little and fry them and suddenly it's my goodness, i think i've gone to heaven.

oh and miss you.

His Little Joy said...

needed that. thanks kristen.