Thursday, February 12, 2009

Story time...

Everyone has a story.

Every story has a tragedy.
Every story has comedy.
Every story has unexpected twists that make it fascinating.
Every story has a secret or hidden element.
Every story has an element of fantasy and a dose of reality.

Every story needs an ending.

And let me tell you, there are some totally intriguing and fascinating stories out there. Some are adventures, some have plot twists every few chapters, some are horror stories, some seem haphazardly written, some are perfectly spell checked and seemingly without flaw, some even come with crazy pictures. But everyone has a story.

Our stories fill out the details as to why we are the ways that we are. Our stories give depth and wealth to our experiences and personalities. And yet, as I write this, I wonder, how many people do we tell our stories to?

Who knows your story?
Who knows my story?
Who is in your story?
Who is writing your story?


Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for posting this! Its so simple and yet really profound. Is this just something you've been thinking about or is this a part of something you're working on?

Jen said...

:) good stuff.

I'm trying very hard to write my story, but God signed on as my editor, and lately he's not letting me sign off on the revised proofs before they go to print...