Friday, January 25, 2008

Harvey, get me out of here!

You know when you hit that point, writing a paper, in which you realize that you really really really don't want to write the paper? No matter how good the topic is? No matter how much you really do want to finish it? No matter how interesting it will to re-read, after you finish it? You just don't want to write it...

For some people, that point in time hits earlier as opposed to later... for me, I have been sitting in front of my computer for the last 6 hours, attempting to finish what will be a very interesting paper, when I finish it. But I realized approximately 3.5 minutes ago, that I really am tired of writing it. How did I come to this realization? Well, a couple of things came together....

... I had a huge craving and really felt that it was absolutely necessary to clean my stove burner liners immediately. I mean, really, to the degree of national emergency...

... I also had a strange desire to try and fix my heater. By myself. And it's not broken. But all of a sudden, I thought it would be fun to learn how to fix it, on the off chance that it ever broke.

... and finally, I found myself having typed the line "Harvey, get me out of here!" at least three times at various points in my paper.

Apparently, it's time for a break...

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