Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cuz, I'm leaving, on a jet plane...

As I was flying home from Boston last Friday, I journaled the following in my 3x5 journal, just small enough to fit in my pocket...

Sometimes I think it's easier for me to express myself in pictures rather than words. Words are a high form of art, not to be tampered with, whereas pictures, I expect to butcher...

I am on my way home from Boston visitations and my thoughts are so incredibly muddled... yet at the same time, clear. It's like... if you've flown 5 gazillion times... when they read the safety information, you don't really listen, so it's kind of fuzzy in the background, but at the same time, so unmistakably clear, understood, and fully know.... I felt very at home easily in Boston, and excited about the prospect of moving there and working there... but at the same time, there is a certain "yikes! this is real!" sensation."

As many of you know, I have been wrestling for several weeks with the decision of where to go for InterVarsity staff next year... A few months ago, I was asked to consider going out of my locale, finally narrowing things down to either Baltimore or Boston. After visiting both, meeting staff in the respective areas, and much prayer, I finally made the decision less than 3 hours ago to accept the position in Boston!

While it is with great sadness that I will say goodbye to UNC, the LORD has had me here for a really good season! I will miss the campus, the students and the staff dearly, but I know that God is calling me to new things which will both challenge and stretch me, as well as truly bless me. I'm super excited to get to move to the Boston area, start learning the language (quite literally in some ways!) and start meeting the students.

Today, as I have been finalizing the decision, I have repeatedly been reminded of the verse in Psalm 139:5 which says of the LORD, "You hem me in-- behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me." While this move will be a huge change, I am confident that the Lord goes before me, behind me, and walks alongside me!

1 comment:

Kristen G said...

Side note, for any who worry... please don't! I'm not leaving till July, so you have lots of time to catch up with me!