Sunday, April 13, 2008

Odds and Ends

On occasion, I like to digress into moments in time which have struck a funny bone or made me think... these are the moments to which a full post cannot be devoted, but each individually merit a bullet point. I hope you enjoy!
  • Riding home on the bus the other day, I was companion to an older gentlemen who carried on a 20 minute monologue with himself about ending nuclear holocaust and impeaching the Kennedy family, loudly enough that the entire bus was privy to his thoughts. Reason number 473,001 why I love riding the bus.
  • A friend of mine was working in county office that was up for review. In typing up a paragraph which went in a large percentage of their documents, sent via email to the reviewers, the editors missed the fact the "l" in the word "public"had been left out. They sent the document to the auditors with said spelling mistake. Yes, friends, one letter does make a difference.
  • As a result of sitting outside for meetings, I sunburned my right knee... and nothing else. To this day, I'm still not sure how that works.
And, finally, in the last two weeks, I have:
  • sat in an airport waiting for a Southwest flight with the airport fire alarms literally going off and the news advertising that Southwest has failed to comply with safety regulations this year
  • run 6.2 miles in the rain
  • had three interviews
  • realized that gmail doesn't always send email when it says it does
  • killed yet another house plant
  • nicknamed my volleyball Thorr
and, fallen even more in love with my job!

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