Saturday, August 30, 2008


Ah, blog world, it has been a while since I have last visited you.

I've been in New Hampshire for the last few weeks (there and back again multiple times)... I apologize for my delinquency. I promise, I do still love you.

But, at the same time, this past week in New Hampshire, without internet connection, without really having cell phone service, and being unable to watch television or even really listen to the news, I was struck by one simple fact:

I survived. Not even just survived, but I thrived.

I had real conversations, played games with live people, and spent a whole heck of a lot more time relationally than I do when I'm "back in civilization." Sure, I might have missed out on a couple important emails. I might have missed a few key phone calls. And, heavens to mergatroit, I might have actually missed a few facebook status updates. But, at the end of the day, was I really any worse off, having taken a week virtually unplugged?!

Here's my thought: what if we unplugged a little more often?

What if we were to invest in real relationships instead of virtual ones? What if we controlled our relationships with our technology rather than letting it control us? Not to say that we should never use technology. Not to say that we need to give up facebook, email, or cell phones. But what if we limited our relationship with it to perhaps the "open relationship" status, perhaps also engaging in real relationships?

And if you really really need another reason, my guess is that your number of facebook friends would also increase, as you spend more time with "real" friends.

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