Wednesday, October 1, 2008

into the depths

My mom always used to say that "the eyes are windows into the soul" (a statement stemming from an old Yiddish proverb) and that "looking directly into people's eyes is one of the most intimate interactions that you can have, without physically touching."

I think there is some truth to that statement. There is an intimacy in eye-contact that one rarely ever finds outside of physical contact. It is a naked and beautiful depth and warmth, that almost makes you uncomfortable, if you maintain it for too long.

It is also one of the things missing in most casual encounters. Passing on the streets. Walking in the park. Driving in the city. People do not look you directly in the eyes. In fact, at times, it more comfortable to look anywhere and everywhere else.

Intimacy lost. Depth compromised. Anonymity preferred. Life is too fast and too busy for intimacy. We prefer "git her done and moving along." So here's the challenge: take the time today to look someone in the eyes. To see them. To take back, to honor, the depths. To acknowledge, once again, that they do in fact have a soul.

I am now getting off my soap box...

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