Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prayer: God's answer

We've submitted.
We've honestly, vulnerably, transparently requested.
We've waited.

Finally, God answers. No given time frame, but he always does...

And his answer is... (grossly over simplified)

Wrong Question.
"Let's work on ____ first."

It's always the right answer... and He always answers... it just might not be what we expect, what we're looking for, or what we think fits the scenario the best...

And, I think there is a temptation, when God answers in a way that does not suit our personal tastes or desires, to want to reject it out-right, because it's not the way we would do it. But I think God's question to us here, is the same question that he gives us at the beginning of the prayer process, and asks throughout:

"Do you trust me?" "Are you praying to me, or just saying empty words?"

Because I am the God who promises that I am for you.
...that I love you.
...that I will work all things out for the good of those whom I love.
...that I know you and all the desires of your heart.
...that I have good plans, the best plans, for you, in my timing
...that I love you.

"Do you trust me, to be the one who answers your prayers?"

So, thus, we come full circle, in prayer... it begins with trust, it ends with trust. Prayer, by nature, requires trust and dependence, saying yes, to a God who is bigger and holier than either you or me. It requires submission of my will to God's, both in our requests and in God's answer.

At a fundamental level, prayer requires letting God be God and considering ourselves in our true light, desires and identity. This restoration of holy order between God and mankind is called worship. It is a full recognition of who God is and who we are. Glory, honor, credit, authority, rightly bestowed.

Prayer, therefore, begins and ends and is characterized throughout with worship.

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