Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In Gratitude

I started another blog post, complaining about something that I had seen-- an injustice committed, a human error left uncorrected-- but in the midst of it, I was struck by how entirely often I complain when I should be grateful. I point out wrongs when I should applaud qualities that are truly God-given. And I am critical when I should praise God for the good things that he is and will be doing through the situation, person, activity, or task.

Have mercy.

So, in light of that realization... and as a spiritual discipline...

Tonight, I am grateful for:
  1. ... student leaders who get the mission and are 110% partners on campus
  2. ... students who are generous and quick to repent, who are faithful and eager to serve
  3. ... a boyfriend who is way wicked sweet and generous in unexpected ways
  4. ... a small group that has quickly moved from strangers to friends
  5. ... roommates who generate random giggles
  6. ... Tostito hint of lime potato chips
  7. ... working internet
  8. ... friends who both celebrate and cry with me (and invite me to both cry and laugh!)
  9. ... a job and bosses that care about how I'm doing spiritually and emotionally
  10. ... donors who have supported me to 91% of budget and pray for me faithfully
  11. ... living in a city with public transportation
  12. ... a sister who answers my phone calls, no matter how long it's been since I last called
  13. ... hot water
  14. ... cold weather and seeing my breathe in the air
  15. ... soft toilet paper
So many more things... but I'll stop there... Today has been a wicked long day, and there are many things about which I could complain, but when I stop and think about it, there are also so many reasons to be grateful. Perhaps I could learn a lot more from practicing gratitude more often...