Monday, May 3, 2010

spring has arrived

Last night, when I went running, I literally had to leap over a pair of ducks in the middle of copulation. We're talking feathers flying, full-out process of be-fruitful-and-multiply.

I was running along the river, minding my own business, engrossed in my own thoughts, enjoying the cooling breeze, right before dusk, when all of a sudden they appeared out of nowhere. Conjoined. Fully engaged. And plopped down in the path, right in front of me.

And I could not just run around them. I did not merely pass them by. Nor was I afforded the luxury of seeing them from a distance. I literally had to jump over them. Jump.Over.Them.

And they were so engrossed en-act that they didn't even blink an eye. Just let me soar over-top like the cow jumping over the moon (and I ask, where were the cat and the fiddle??). Really, birds? REALLY? No shame.

Despite temperatures which might indicate otherwise, spring has in fact arrived in Boston...

1 comment:

Jen said...

thank you for making me snort out loud in the middle of a quiet study space, earning approximately 4.759 dirty looks. :-P

oh, the mental images.