Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Next stop, Beantown.

Well, at long last the count-down draws to its conclusion… in less than 14 hours, I will get in my little green car (affectionately known as Oscar, although he is at all not grouchy) and begin my 14 hour trek northwards towards my new home, Boston, MA!

Many years ago, I used to sign all of my emails, “Pray boldly, because God delights to astonish us.” Friends, that was true then, and it is true now. All too often, I think we are tempted to pray human-sized prayers. And our God is so much bigger than we are… and his plans, his ways, and his understanding are so much bigger than ours. So, as I head to Boston, out of my comfort zone, into a “strange land,” that is what I would ask you to pray… pray boldly that God would astonish us with and delight to use us in his plan of redemption for his people, his cities, his campuses, his world.

... I'll see you on the other side. Next stop, Boston!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I can't wait to hear how you're settling in! I love you Kristen & am praying for you daily!