Monday, August 10, 2009

Well, hey y'all!

So apparently I no longer have 20-20 vision. But, my right eye is more blind than the left, explaining my odd quirks and unbalanced walking patterns. Also means that I now wear reading glasses. Lord, help me, I'm getting old.

In other news, I'm still in the midst of my southern adventures, and so I thought perhaps it would be prudent to dedicate at least one post to my Southern observations. Also known as, "Toto, we're not in Massachusetts anymore." So with no further ado, here we go...

11. When driving, slow is best. Actually, scratch that, in general, slow is considered better.
10. Everyone and their cousin has either a pick-up truck or an SUV. Or two.
9. Lard, oil, and butter are staple ingredients in every food item.
8. You actually see bumper stickers which advocate for McCain-Palin 2008.
7. Y'all is used with reckless abandon. Y'all'all is used slightly less frequently, but still used.
6. When you walk into a house, the first question you are asked is "Are you hungry?"
5. Vegetarianism is relatively unheard of. Hunting for your own meat is fairly normal.
4. The TV show "Jackass" is considered reality TV.
3. One has to be careful not to hit deer, hedgehogs, rabbits, dogs, and possums when driving home late at night.
2. One occasionally sees a confederate flag flying.
1. The majority of the women my age are already married. Many of them already have children (plural).

Such is my heritage; and in it, there is great beauty as well as great brokenness. But I suppose that is the way it is with all cultures and all heritages. Potentially more reflections to follow...

But in the meantime, have a great night y'all.


Jen said...

#9 - lard, not so much, love. this is 2009.
#7 - I started to contest y'all'all, but then I realized that I just heard it a few weeks ago.
#4 - really? really?

#1b - Walking anywhere except the 2-block downtown square is a surefire way to get honked at. multiple times. not for getting in the way of traffic.

I love the south.

La Peregrina said...

My Greek professor used the term "all y'all" to explain a NT translation last year. That's the gospel in Georgia...

fiercest said...

i helped a guy from my church this week and he was very direct about what he wanted/needed from me. when i, unsettled, commented on this to brittany she said, "well, he's from nebraska, right?" and i realized--i'd just experienced a cross-cultural moment. how dare he not preface every request with, "if it's not too much trouble, would you mind if i possibly...?"!

in other news, RE my tendency to judge people (men) on their vehicles, i've thought about it and i think that a subaru is an acceptable alternative. maybe.

thanks for our conversation on tuesday--it was so great to catch up with you. enjoy the rest of your southern sojourn!

Kristen G said...

Umm, definitely have seen lard cooked with in the last year! And the honked at thing... unfortunately not a Southernism...

Diane, surprisingly y'all makes perfect grammatical sense, if you think about the plural of you. English is insufficient in that regard. Southern is better.

Fiercest, gotta love your moving story. I had the same shocker when I first moved here, over a dinner that I had made. And I think a Subaru could totally be a good compromise, although my gut reaction is that you'd lean more towards a Subaru Outback. :-)