Thursday, April 15, 2010

not on mighty steeds..

I had a long conversation with a good friend of mine a few days ago, and in passing, she utterly these profound and eloquent words. It was striking to me, and has stuck with me for a few days since because it was so radically different from our typical mode of operation.

"the battle is won, not on mighty steeds, but on our knees... not in our greatest strengths, but by acknowledging our greatest vulnerabilities. and pressing in, in our weaknesses, clinging even, to the One who possesses the strength we lack." A.E.W.

Her point was this: our greatest moral and spiritual triumphs in life occur when we finally see ourselves in our true vulnerability and weakness, and press into God more fully. The battle is not won through demonstrations of our profound strength and courage or mighty weapon wielding, but in those moments when we fall to our knees before God and say, "here I am; I need you."

This semester has been an interesting one for me, because I have been required to slow down and re-examine my modes of operation... my past brokenness'... my fears... my false self... and my unhealthy habits.

These are the things that I most seek to hide. To avoid. To pretend are not there.

And yet, in acknowledging these and pressing more fully into God's strength, therein lies my greatest strength.

Here's what I've learned in my last 25 years: the greatest testimonies... the greatest transformation... the people who have been most influential in my life... are the ones who are unafraid to speak of their own brokenness and utter need for God with absolute freedom. And the moments when I have understood my own absolute need for God, and fallen to my knees in honesty and desire, are the moments in which I have seen the most transformation in me, and through my retelling of those stories.

It is completely counter cultural. But oh so true.

Lord, help me to be a woman on my knees...

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