Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, John Calvin. Finally hitting the big 5-0-0. Today is a big day.

I called my mom this morning, after missing like 4 phone calls in a row from her. She began the conversation by wishing me a happy birthday.

::Uhh, Mom, today's not my birthday... about 5 months off yo... and I feel like you should know that, considering that you were the one most intimately present on that day. When push comes to shove comes to squeeze, it was you do the pushing and squeezing::

Being my tactful self, however, I merely responded, "huh? what?"

She reminded me that today was the day that I made my initial decision to follow Jesus, fourteen years ago. Happy re-birth-day, in her words. And so it was, and is.

::Guess that makes me an teenage, prepubescent Christian these days.::

::that could explain so many things::

Go team. It's been a good journey. Here's to expecting another good year...

1 comment:

Jen said...

All the more reason for you to be together! Happy Birthday John and Kristen! haha