Sunday, July 5, 2009

masterpiece in microcosm

* written as personal reflection, after prayer ministry class 2009, kG 7/2/09

masterpiece in microcosm
seeing the very big, in the very small.
the finger of God
touching the fragility of mankind-
the master craftsman
reshaping his creation.
author, illustrator, maker, Lord,
gently touching.

we see but in part:
then we shall see fully.
he allows us to see just a piece
of his healing,
his heart,
his power.

and audacity of all audacity,
invites us to participate
as instruments in his hands:
the potter's wheel;
the sculptor's knife;
the scientist's equipment;
the artist's brush:
useless, even dangerous,
outside of the master's hand.
no authority or artistry
outside of the master's hand.

would you rain down, Holy Spirit,
ye even reign down in us.
we the microcosm long for your touch-
dry bones, without your breathe-
smelly grave-clothes, without your call forth-
one day's worth of oil, without your blessing.
we long for
the finger of God
touching the fragility of mankind.

come Holy Spirit.

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