Tuesday, July 7, 2009

meeting flipper

I think I'm having a regional identity crisis. There. I said it.

::whew:: ::wipes forehead::

Glad that's off my chest.

Hanging out in Madison has been fantastic beyond my wildest expectations, including the one where I hoped that I might meet Flipper while here. No no, much better. But at the same time, it has raised a certain number of unexpected thoughts and questions, most specifically, where do I really belong? And it's not so much a question of not belonging anywhere, but conversely, belonging in part to too many places.

::cause I'm the wanderer, yeah the wanderer, I roam around around around::

Bonus points if you can name the song.

And while there are certainly advantages to having lived and served in a number of different places, "belonging" in a number of different places, there are also moments when I wish that I knew for sure where home was... maybe that's one of those "not yet" moments.

Or maybe I should just hold out hope for meeting Flipper.


Jen said...

better a midwesterner than a northerner. ;-)

southerner is better yet.


Beckster said...

I hear ya, friend. There is so much beauty in being a wanderer who pitches the tent pegs and doesn't build the house. But there is also brokenness in it, and some days you just really wish that you were home, eh? Heaven is going to be good! I'll be praying that what you're feeling will drive you deeper into the arms of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

a) The Beach Boys, The Wanderer (which strikes me as funny, because as I recall you were listening to hip-hop while you wrote this post...)

b) Can you explain the 'Meeting Flipper' thing?

c) Sounds kind of rough. I'm glad you got a chance to hang out w/ your NE chums on the last night. I hope you gain a sense of home somewhere soon, but if not I hope you have a longing for you true home.

d) Really enjoyed getting to hang out with you in Madison. I didn't actually get to say bye before you and Jennifer flew out, so I hope your flights went well! Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

you won't find dolphins in madison...

perhaps freshwater river dolphins, but i didn't know those came up so far north.

Kristen G said...

Apparently meeting Flipper caused some concerns... my apologies... I was not clear that the life goals and high expectations were not geographically linked to Madison. Although, were I to meet Flipper IN Madison, that would just make it that much cooler!