Sunday, July 26, 2009

when I think of heaven

years of walking in poor shoes
have left her feet twisted, crippled.
she walks slowly, with limp;
too much walking, standing, renders great pain.
gnarled and twisted, calloused and corned.

when i think of heaven, i think of grandma's feet-
the master tenderly washing them.
and as the years wash away,
grandma dancing, leaping, running;
lame feet, no more.
all things made new.

born storyteller, years of learning and life experience,
struggles to recall the most simple of words.
his frustration is evident, but his memory will not cooperate:
memories, details, yesterday, gone.
the brilliant man, fantastic storyteller, frustrated.

when i think of heaven, i think of grandpa's memory-
the master smiles and says, "Walter, do you recall the time..."
and grandpa grins with ease and begins to recount the tale:
the two, laughing with delight;
mute tongue, no more.
all things made new.

years of pain, washed away.
frustration, angst, doubt, gone.
brokenness made whole.
loved ones, reunited; families, restored.
injustice damned and sent away.
love, made complete.
the scales fall away, things seen as they truly are.
disease, pain, mourning, death, no more.
all things made new.

"Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like deer and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." [isaiah 35-5-6]

"He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" [revelation 21:5]

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